2011 (Monday, January 3, 2011 / 7:11 PM)

i know i know, i've not been blogging since ages. i'm just too lazy to even care about my blog now. been kinda busy during the holidays... busy playing! hahaha. anyway, it's 2011, and school's starting tmr! can't wait to go back to school! the obvious reason why i'm so anxious to go back to school is not because of classes, but because of friends! i miss all my friends so much!
URGH! we're finally secondary 4! it's gonna be a tough year. need to prepare for o'levels! i bet i'm gonna study till my brain explodes. oh well.... oh and i'm down for some achievers programme. as flattering as that sounds, it's nothing good about it. it's for people who a horrible at studying - me.
just to inform you, since school's starting, i may abandon this place, or even worse, leave it here to rot. so, all i have to say now is, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
forget about the past and look forward to this new year. :)
signing off,
China summary (Sunday, November 21, 2010 / 11:17 PM)
Hey! Guess what? I'm finally back in Singapore! 10 days in china was a wonderful experience, and one that has made a huge impact on me. Those 10 days have really changed my impression about going to china. What I thought was some boring place, turned out to be a place that is beautiful and a place with great history. I never would have thought that just a simple trip like that would be one that was truly incredible and amazing. All the walking, early mornings, long bus rides, coldness and the carrying of heavy luggages up and down flights of stairs was all worth it. The scenery there was just jaw-dropping. Getting to see the great wall and the terra-cotta warriors literally took my breath away. Also, visiting the various graves, palaces of emperors, and museums, show what deep history china has. This experience is definitely one that I would never forget.
I'll talk more about the other places next time. Plus, I took about 1300 pictures. I wonder how I'm supposed to upload them on facebook. That's 7 albums....
Signing off,
4days passed in china (Tuesday, November 16, 2010 / 5:49 PM)
4 days in china, 6 more to go. It's cold! Freezing, in pingyao. To be honest, pingyao is like a ghost town. Plus, all the buildings look the same! I miss xi'an. That place was so much better. It's so much more interesting there! What's more, I got to see the terra-cotta warriors! Plus, the tour guide was soooo much better. He was caring and friendly. However, our guide in pingyao is like unfriendly and somehow doesn't give a damn about us.... One more day in this town and we're off to Beijing. I hope that place is much better.... Damn, I miss xi'an. Everyone thinks so too. I'll talk more after I'm back.
Signing off,
15 (Friday, November 5, 2010 / 10:33 PM)
Gosh, it's after the exams, but I'm still not blogging as much as I used to! Oh well, maybe it's because I hardly use the computer. I'm like using my phone to post this. I can go a week without the computer! Amazing, isn't it?
Anyway, I'm turning 15 in 4 days! Yay! Since we have an extra 2 weeks of school, my birthday FINALLY falls on a school day. You know what that means? PRESENTS! hehe.
Oh, 3 days after my birthday, I'm going to china! I know I've always dreaded going there(u should know why), but, this time I'm going with my friends! Plus, it's winter! I've never been overseas during winter. I'm really psyched about the trip. We're going to the great wall of china and I think what tops it all is, we're gonna see the terra-cotta warriors! I've always wanted to see the real thing.
I swear I'm gonna take hundreds of pictures while I'm there. I CAN'T WAIT!
Signing off,
centuries (Saturday, October 9, 2010 / 3:56 PM)
Centuries passed, and i'm back here again. i bet no one even views this page anymore. Anyway, since i'm taking a break from a whole, long week of exams, i've decided to update my blog.
As your know, most of us are having exams. Our stress levels have shot up to over a thousand. I think studying actually kills brain cells. I bet millions of my brain cells have been killed from over-studying. Sigh, if only there were no exams. Oh well, i still have three more papers.
Anyway, no one likes to read a long, wordy post, so, i'll just fill this with tons of pictures, pictures from my trip to marina barrage with my volleyball buddies, just a day before the exams. Amazing right? We are celebrating a day before exams, instead of locking ourselves in the room, studying like there's no tmr.
Okay, enough with the rants, here are the pictures.
first, we met up at toa payoh station.

look at the guy beside xinyi! he's such a busybody!

we had to walk quite a distance to get to the bus stop.

walking up to the top

shinru's super cute shoes.

opening presents, and it's a shoe brush!


some crazy gifts.

time to eat

cards from minqian

so many letters!

ain air ticket to paris.

enjoying our picnic.

my letter of appreciation from shinru.

minqian reading her letter

yunying taking some time alone to read her wordy letter.

meixiang reading yunying's letter.

the meditating duo.

look at yunying's face...

piggy-back rides!


group pic!


centre parting FTW

minqian's cold, cold face

getting some ice cream

my retarded face. look at minqian in the background!
...and monster yunying came along. haha

pretty larraine just had her hair curled

that's all folks!
signing off,
(Sunday, August 22, 2010 / 7:02 PM)
Hi. It's been decades since I've posted here. There's only one reason - school. As u know, school takes up almost all my time. Also, I hardly use the com nowadays. I'm just way too lazy. Anyway, u'll be lucky to see at least 1 post a month. Haha, I'm just to busy. Final year exams are less than 45 days away! (if I'm not wrong) Need to start studying now! Also, I'm waiting to get back my geography test results tmr. I'm really hoping for an A1. I'd be disappointed if I got an A2. Sigh, high expectations I set for myself just make me stressed out! Oh! Volleyball interhouse is on Wednesday! Hope My class's team gets at least a bronze, just like how we got a bronze for netball!!
Signing off,
ACHES (Sunday, July 25, 2010 / 2:25 PM)
Finally! went for training yesterday after such a long time. as expected, i came back aching all over. for once, training seemed tiring. jumping and spiking non-stop for one hour. had lunch with yunying and larraine and went home to get ready for church.
met shella at amk hub. WE BOUGHT KOI!! haha. i LOVE koi! after service, had dinner with shella and charis.

group pic
DANG! i missed the debate during english lesson..... i had to go rehearse for that stupid awards night thingy. it's a total waste of time. i'm so glad that i'm NOT emcee-ing for the next yr. 2 years is definitely enough. well, at least i came back to class knowing that there was SSRP for the next two periods! the 2 mr lee-s were absent. during that time of SSRP, a series of happenings took place. haha.
the following scenes may contain some violence. viewer discretion is advised. hahahaha. desmond getting kidnapped.

then, we took double-sided tape and stuck it on desmond's back and kept adding things to his back. he had no idea we were doing that. how can he not feel the weight on him?!?!?!? anyway, we were laughing our asses off. it was HILLARIOUS.
after school, had to prepare for awards night. we went through the script one last time, then we changed, had dinner and it was show time. it was soooooo warm backstage! blazers aren't meant for countries like Singapore. ESPECIALLY when the place isn't air conditioned. after the whole thing ended, i felt super tired and my legs were aching. court shoes are not meant to be worn if one is standing up for 2 hours straight.
thats my dad's phone. what a sad case.
HAHAHA. jerald pinned up his hair!
signing off,